Thursday, February 3, 2011

Kim Kardashian Nude on W Magazine

After seeing the show and taking a look at W Magazine's November issue, I feel that W Magazine is better than that. What they did was bad for business and they definitely didn't have Kim's best interest in mind. I don't care if they're gorgeous pictures or you could consider them "art". The point is I'm sure Kim was perfectly clear on the concept of the photo shoot and what was going to be published and the fact that they didn't even clear up the pictures chosen for the magazine before they sent it out is enough for a lawsuit. If I was Kim I'd act the exact same way and I thought W out of all magazines would be the last magazine to take advantage of a client over some pictures to get a high rating on their issue. Don't get me wrong I do think the pictures are in good taste and they're not trashy, but it was a shady business decision on W's part.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


So after watching VH1's , "What Chili Wants" I came across these honesty bracelets that Chili had on which she also gave as a gift to her date. I didn't really see the bracelets up close, but i loved the beads so I decided to google and do some research and boy did I discover something great!!! The bracelets are from a Jewelry line called, "Honesty Jewelry." They have all sorts of beaded bracelets along with different charms and they also have a bracelet dedicated to helping Haiti. They are an Atlanta based company and artists such as Drake, T.I., and Jeezy have also been known to rock these beads and they are just to die for! My absolute favorites are the honesty cross beads, hopefully I'll be getting one soon :-)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cocktail Dresses Are Not Just For Cocktails Anymore!

Slowly cocktail dresses are replacing extravagant gowns on the red carpet and making their way out of just "cocktail." I love reading magazines and I think every girl should at least subscribe to one magazine of their liking because it's so worth it! I subscribe to Marie Claire and Glamour and I love reading all the latest trends and beauty secrets every month for literally the price of a dollar a magazine. This little post is credited to Marie Claire and there's many more posts from them and Glamour that I'll put up every now and then to share with you all the great things I come across.

To the left are a few cocktail dresses spotted on the red carpet. Cocktail dresses have taken on so many different shapes and textures that there's endless of dresses to chose from. Rachel Bilson is wearing a cute flirty ruffle light blue cocktail dress, while Kim Kardashian is wearing a peek a boo cut out dress which is a trend in her Bebe Kardashian dress line and the lovely Sarah Jessica Parker is in a sheer volume cocktail dress that is just to die for!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Curly Wavy Hair Tutorial :-)

Hey guys!! I've been getting a lot of compliments on my wavy hair and asked exactly how do i do it? I get asked this question so much that I've decided to try and do my first tutorial! It's not that great, but bear with me. I have two videos Pt1 and Pt2 because I have no idea how to cut and edit videos. Curling my hair seriously only takes me 20 to 25 minutes and it's really not that hard. I hope you enjoy this tutorial and let me know how you like it and if it went well for you!!!


PT2. The Ending Result

MONSTER VIDEO, Hate it or Love it?

So we've all been waiting to see how creative Kanye, Rick Ross, Jay-Z, and Nicki Minaj were going to be on the "Monster" video. There have been little snippets here and there with a little sneak peek to the video, but it's finally here! From what I hear this video you have watched or about to watch could have been leaked due to its slightly poor audio quality and that the video contains inappropriate graphic images that may not be able to air on T.V. This is most likely not the finished airing product. I'm not sure I absolutely love it, but there are some scenes i love artistically. I'd have to say the beginning scenes of Rick Ross is twisted, but I love it. I also like the scene with the lady with the huge claw like heel and Kanye's scene where you begin to just see him rapping and then as they slowly pull the camera back he's holding a severed head. I'd have to add although this is a crazy video, I find it very inappropriate to be allowed to be aired on T.V. Let me know what you think?!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Best Sushi Ever - TOMOE SUSHI

TOMOE SUSHI : 172 Thompson St. New York, NY 10012

For some reason, this past week, I’ve been finding myself eating a lot of sushi. I’ve been hooked on it ever since my mother first introduced it to me when I was around 12-years-old. I’ve been to a couple places around the city, but I’d have to say that my favorite spot has to be Tomoe Sushi. My girls and I always love to eat at this place and catch up. We like to see it as “getting our sex in the city on” because we all come together to talk and laugh about life.

You would never expect this place to be as good as it is because it’s seriously a small place, practically a hole in the wall. However, I find their sushi to be so fresh! Even though this place is tiny the wait can be insane! At times there’s a line of people going all the way down the street waiting to eat at this place. Luckily, I’ve been able to go eat there at the right times and haven’t had to wait too long.

My favorite thing to eat is any sushi or sashimi that includes avocados or salmon. I’m always ready to try new foods but I have yet to actually try everything on their menu. Their sushi can be a little pricey, but the freshness is definitely worth it. I highly suggest this to anyone who likes sushi and is in the city to try this place out. If you have never tried sushi before, you should try it. There is also sushi made with vegetables instead of raw fish if you’re skeptical about eating raw fish. Either way, it’s never too late to try new things!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

RIP Teena Marie , She Will Be Missed

It has just been confirmed that singer, songwriter, producer, and mother, Teena Marie has passed away. She was one of the few recognized white successful performers of r&b. I have not yet heard any further details of her passing and I will keep everyone updated. Teen Marie also known as Lady T has influenced many artist with her soulful voice and she will never be forgotten.

"Can't Last A Day" - Teena Marie