Thursday, December 30, 2010

MONSTER VIDEO, Hate it or Love it?

So we've all been waiting to see how creative Kanye, Rick Ross, Jay-Z, and Nicki Minaj were going to be on the "Monster" video. There have been little snippets here and there with a little sneak peek to the video, but it's finally here! From what I hear this video you have watched or about to watch could have been leaked due to its slightly poor audio quality and that the video contains inappropriate graphic images that may not be able to air on T.V. This is most likely not the finished airing product. I'm not sure I absolutely love it, but there are some scenes i love artistically. I'd have to say the beginning scenes of Rick Ross is twisted, but I love it. I also like the scene with the lady with the huge claw like heel and Kanye's scene where you begin to just see him rapping and then as they slowly pull the camera back he's holding a severed head. I'd have to add although this is a crazy video, I find it very inappropriate to be allowed to be aired on T.V. Let me know what you think?!

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