Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Best Sushi Ever - TOMOE SUSHI

TOMOE SUSHI : 172 Thompson St. New York, NY 10012

For some reason, this past week, I’ve been finding myself eating a lot of sushi. I’ve been hooked on it ever since my mother first introduced it to me when I was around 12-years-old. I’ve been to a couple places around the city, but I’d have to say that my favorite spot has to be Tomoe Sushi. My girls and I always love to eat at this place and catch up. We like to see it as “getting our sex in the city on” because we all come together to talk and laugh about life.

You would never expect this place to be as good as it is because it’s seriously a small place, practically a hole in the wall. However, I find their sushi to be so fresh! Even though this place is tiny the wait can be insane! At times there’s a line of people going all the way down the street waiting to eat at this place. Luckily, I’ve been able to go eat there at the right times and haven’t had to wait too long.

My favorite thing to eat is any sushi or sashimi that includes avocados or salmon. I’m always ready to try new foods but I have yet to actually try everything on their menu. Their sushi can be a little pricey, but the freshness is definitely worth it. I highly suggest this to anyone who likes sushi and is in the city to try this place out. If you have never tried sushi before, you should try it. There is also sushi made with vegetables instead of raw fish if you’re skeptical about eating raw fish. Either way, it’s never too late to try new things!

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