Thursday, February 3, 2011

Kim Kardashian Nude on W Magazine

After seeing the show and taking a look at W Magazine's November issue, I feel that W Magazine is better than that. What they did was bad for business and they definitely didn't have Kim's best interest in mind. I don't care if they're gorgeous pictures or you could consider them "art". The point is I'm sure Kim was perfectly clear on the concept of the photo shoot and what was going to be published and the fact that they didn't even clear up the pictures chosen for the magazine before they sent it out is enough for a lawsuit. If I was Kim I'd act the exact same way and I thought W out of all magazines would be the last magazine to take advantage of a client over some pictures to get a high rating on their issue. Don't get me wrong I do think the pictures are in good taste and they're not trashy, but it was a shady business decision on W's part.

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