Sunday, January 25, 2009

Myspace, Men, Life

It has come to my conclusion that I am actually content with my life. I have grown into a confident woman with intellect. I have had myspace for years and don't feel the need to accept everyone anymore.

I have been through the many phases of myspace and in the early stages have tried to add everyone and their mother because i thought it was cool to have a billion friends, but then realized not everyone should be invited to your life, your photos, your blogs, your comments (f*** facebook). Myspace is not a dating service and I find it funny how people try to make themseves intriguing so a hot guy or girl will comment on their new pics or message them. I have finally taken the time out of my day to DELETE everyone I don't know and let me tell you that was a lot!

What is the point really to add someone who is about a thousand miles away from you and you will probably never meet? Why do most people insist on commenting pics? is it because they do not get complemented enough in their real lives? and if that is the case then myspace is a very dangerous place to be because we all know there are are some weirdos out there waiting to catch a person with insecurities.

Another annoyance is all these band requests. I know we have the option to deny their requests but hay there are some good artists out there that i do find soothing and refreshing to the ears, but it's like now a days everyone is an artist and everyone wants you to hear their sh**.

Besides the annoyances of Myspace, the statement I made earlier about being content with my life should not be confused with being accomplished. There is so much more I want and have to do with my life. You can never really reach the top because the sky has no ending. It seems like these days everyone is stressing and involved in some type of drama infested life, but I will have to say I have nothing to worry about besides the everyday hurdles of life. I guess you can say, "I'm Chillen." :)

I Love Blogspot, but not many people (aka my friends!) have updated themselves on that type of web 2.0. So i will have to wait until everyone catches up. Its funny how we are all so visual, because most people on will only spend time seeing what song is on your page, what pictures you have, and who commented you and said what, but never even bother to read your blog and see what you have to say. So let's see who will really read this.

"Single but Not Available": I should get this tattoed on my forehead, but I still don't think these ignorant men out here will get the picture. Why is it that the same scenarios and outcomes have been constantly replayed, rewind, forward, and played, so many times before that some women have not gotten the big picture. Men will do what they want and make up the rules as they go. To be completely real from what I have been through, heard, and seen I feel that it is not about being with a significant other who is faithful, but being with a significant other that you feel is worth it.

Date after Date, It seems like every man has the same conversation guidline. I know I am only 20 years old, but there is a lot I want to do with myself and I need to start as soon as possible so I can reap my rewards later. I mean we don't have to be on the exact same page, but damn atleast the same chapter! I hear this saying all the time, "old enough to know better, but young enough not to give a f***." or "these are the years we can party and mess up a little." SO STUPID. I'll give you a ring in 10 years. This would probably explain why I can't deal with men because they're always looking for right now, not mrs.later.

I think those girls out here who are dating a lot of guys at one time or consistently having boyfriends or being promiscuous is because they dont really know what they're looking for. the infamous "love" . I have experienced it once and never regretted it. It was a feeling i could never explain except that a smile never left my face. Surely your wondering well why arent you still with that person and sometimes you have to know that even if your in love, life might have different plans for the both of you and the point is that now you know what love feels like. I guess I am lucky to have such a thing because now I know how I am supposed to feel and I won't settle for less.

What I can't stress enough is females out here who are making huge mistakes evolving their world on finding the one instead of focusing on their lives. Being in control and independent is SEXY, not some double d boobs of silicone or short mini skirts. There are two things I feel like once you get over them then less mistakes can be made and more can be accomplished.
1) the fear of being alone
2) sex

THE FEAR OF BEING ALONE: "ME" time is always good. Those who always need someone around them are going to do stupid things to keep people around them. Don't be a fool.

SEX: sex does not equal love. If you can control your urges, then you won't have a problem of fucking the whole damn world. Everybody thinks about sex all the time it's natural but just because you haven't done it for a month doesnt mean that you should hop on the next guy you date or that sort of cute guy at the party.

The reason why I talk about these things is because I feel like women are very strong beings but somehow men can easily make us weak and that is because we enjoy company and we need to be satisfied physically, but it is not worth our priorities. Own your Own. If you can't afford it, your man shouldnt for you. Because if you are independent, if he ever decides to leave or you feel like that he is not worth it, you can just leave no questions asked.

I read this book called "A Piece of Cake" and it had the best qoute.
- "The day your ready for a man is the day you realize you don't need one"

KUDOS to all my independent ladies. Those are who I have the MOST respect for.

I hope you have enjoyed a piece of my mind :) stay tuned for more thoughts.

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