Thursday, October 16, 2008


This is another poem from WAYYYY back in the day. I got it from my old blog on myspace. This is about Asian Americans and their stereotypes... I was inspired to write this after an episode of Dej Jam Poetry. Dont get it twisted though I am far from a sentimental day dreaming poet who quotes Shakespeare, I do this when Im completely bored.

October 25, 2005
slanted view from every angle
tan not white but not quite black
who can say wha skin is "in"
language of that a pan makes
rollin down the stairs...
some look down on us
yet we are of same intelligence
if not smarter
natrually being born 20 percent wiser
and you wear our clothes
check ur shirt ur shoes ur hat
asia is the new brand that is lost btween
american logos and media
n u ask me to say something in my language
how bout you tell me something in yours? "hello"
i am not different with my fine hair
and my petite figure
my tiny feet and small hands.
some flat faced as if it is better to have a bumpy one
Chinky... origin from China
Chinese, Korean, Phillipino, Vietnamese, Thialand, Japenese, Cambodian
excuse me sir not everyone who is yellow
is Chinese n please do not try to figure it out
bc we kno who we are ...
do you?

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